The Dungeons of Torgar


[1] (Equipment) The Lantern is designed to be self-lighting. You will not need a Tinderbox or any other means of creating a flame to light it.

[2] (Section 11) Taking comments originally published in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 as a precedent, it seems reasonable to assume that you only lose a weapon-like Special Item here if you are not carrying at least one ordinary non-magical Weapon.

[3] (Section 30) There is no choice that leads to this section of the book. It is exactly the same as Section 299 and therefore superfluous.

[4] (Section 106) It is unclear whether a Kazan-Oud Platinum Amulet should protect you in this situation in lieu of the Discipline of Nexus.

[5] (Section 142) Taking comments originally published in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 as a precedent, you should lose the Dagger of Vashna here if you are not carrying at least one ordinary non-magical Dagger.

Alternatively, given the significance of the Dagger of Vashna, you may also reasonably choose to ignore the instruction to destroy the Dagger of Vashna even if that is the only Dagger you are carrying.

[6] (Section 203) On occasions such as this, it is usually the case that 0 = 10 (cf. Section 147 of The Darke Crusade). Given the severity of your wounds, it may also be reasonable to conclude that you will take a minimum of 1 point of damage point of damage even if the −3 bonus for possessing Curing takes your score to 0 or below (i.e. if you pick 1, 2, or 3 from the Random Number Table).

[7] (Section 210) Taking comments originally published in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 as a precedent, it seems reasonable to assume that you only lose a weapon-like Special Item here if you are not carrying at least one ordinary non-magical Weapon.

[8] (Section 286) If you automatically kill Tagazin, he doesn’t die but is severely weakened. You should still turn to Section 20.

Project AonThe Dungeons of Torgar