The Dungeons of Torgar


It is dawn on midsummer’s day when you ride out of Tahou. Since your victory over Zakhan Kimah, your appearance in a public place has been enough to provoke spontaneous cheering from the Tahouese, who regard you as their saviour. But on this warm, sunny morning you leave the city unnoticed, for on this occasion you appear to be just another messenger.

The army uniform you wear and the white horse you ride are part of an elaborate deception conceived by the Elder Magi. In order to make Darklord Gnaag believe that you are returning to Sommerlund, you have given your Kai cloak and tunic to your friend Banedon. Disguised as you, he will leave for Sommerlund aboard his flying ship Skyrider this afternoon. A formal ceremony is planned to mark his departure and another awaits his arrival at the King’s Citadel in Holmgard. Gnaag has vowed to kill you: it is a vow which has become an obsession that torments him like a poisoned wound. It is hoped that Banedon’s much publicized flight home will lure Gnaag’s vengeful eyes away to the north and raise your chances of success at Torgar considerably.

Your ride ends in Firina, where you catch a barge down-river to the port of Talon. There you hear news of a rebellion in Barrakeesh, the Vassagonian capital, and reports of the sudden withdrawal of all Vassagonia’s troops from the lands she invaded early in the war. It bodes well for the continuing struggle against the Darklords, for Vassagonia was their only major ally. You spend one night in Talon before buying passage aboard a merchantman on its way along the Tentarias, and five days later you disembark at Garthen, the capital of Talestria.

Talestria was overrun in the early days of the war but the neighbouring country of Palmyrion came quickly to her aid. The armies of Talestria and Palmyrion united and fought the invading horde, led by Warlord Zegron of Ogia, on the battle-plains to the north of Garthen. For three days and three nights a bitter struggle raged and the allies were sorely pressed to withstand the overwhelming numbers of the enemy ranged against them. But on the morning of the fourth day, the unexpected arrival of the dwarven army of Bor was to seal Zegron’s doom. His mighty force crumbled and the survivors, fleeing northwards in chaos, were pursued relentlessly. The latest news tells of the allies’ capture of Xanar, a major Ogian stronghold, and their continued advance westward along the Blackshroud Trail.

The Royal Court of Queen Evaine would be honoured to assist you, but secrecy is paramount to the success of your quest and so you shun the Royal Palace and take lodgings instead at a humble dockside tavern. There you arrange transportation to Eru aboard a brigantine bound for Humbold, the Eruan capital, and leave next day on the noon tide. Upon your arrival, you make your way to the city’s ancient quarter where the Elder Magi have arranged a clandestine meeting with Prince Graygor. In the cellar of a disused warehouse, the young Prince waits patiently for your coming. Like you, he is dressed in the clothes of a messenger in order that he can walk the streets of his city incognito. He welcomes you with a salute, bringing his hand diagonally across his chest, and assures you that your true identity is known only to him. For over an hour you discuss your plans and listen to the Prince recount some of the events that have disturbed the peace of Eru. Two years ago, Drakkarim renegades from the Hammerlands attacked and overran his northern city of Luomi. The inhabitants were slaughtered and the holy temple of Luomi, around which the city was founded, was looted and burnt to the ground. Only recently did he learn from the Elder Magi that the ancient temple held the Lorestone of Luomi, one of the three Lorestones now locked in Torgar. At the time of the attack the Prince’s army was too small to repel the invaders and he was forced to abandon the city, as well as the border town of Cetza. But in the past month he has joined forces with King Sarnac of Lencia, and together they have recaptured Luomi and driven Baron Shinzar and his Hammerland rebels all the way back to Cetza, within thirty miles of the border.

The Prince invites you to accompany him to Luomi where he is to resume command of his army and lead them to battle. He provides you with a fine Eruan steed and a new disguise that will enable you to travel through Eru without drawing undue attention to yourself.

Dressed as an Eruan Pathfinder, one of an élite unit of woodsmen who operate in the harsh territories bordering the Hellswamp, you ride north with the Prince’s entourage and arrive at the city five days later. Every house, stable, tavern, and municipal building is filled to overflowing with knights and men at arms. But, despite their cramped billets and meagre rations, the soldiers of Eru and Lencia are in good spirits, for tomorrow they march against a foe they have already beaten in battle, and most are eager to finish the job once and for all. You are given lodgings within the main citadel of Luomi and later that evening, after the Prince has attended a war conference with King Sarnac, you meet in private to discuss the next stage of your quest.

‘There are two ways to reach Torgar,’ says the Prince, as you study the map given to you by the Senate of Tahou. ‘You can cross the River Brol and make your way northwards through the Moggador Forest, or you can go to Pirsi and seek out Sebb Jarel. He is the leader of a brave band of partisans who have ambushed and resisted the Drakkarim ever since they invaded. If there is a path to Torgar between the Hellswamp and the Isle of Ghosts, he will know it.’

You ponder the choices and wonder why the Prince has not suggested the simplest route of all: north across the Isle of Ghosts. When you mention this he shakes his head ominously. ‘The isle is cursed,’ he says, pointing at the map with an accusing finger. ‘Few have ever come out of that dreadful place alive. And of those poor wretches who have survived, only one has kept a grip of his sanity. His name is Sebb Jarel.’

Next day you rise with the dawn and prepare to set off on your journey to Torgar. There are two routes open to you: you can ride to Pirsi and seek out Sebb Jarel, the partisan leader, and the only man who can guide you through this treacherous wilderness; or you can accompany Prince Graygor to battle at Cetza. If his army beats the Drakkarim and forces them to retreat, the way across the River Brol will be open and you will be able to approach Torgar under cover of the Moggador Forest. Consult the map before you decide which route to take.

If you wish to go to Pirsi, turn to 176.

If you choose to accompany Prince Graygor to battle at Cetza, turn to 308.

Project AonThe Dungeons of Torgar