The Dungeons of Torgar


When the horsemen catch sight of you they unsheathe their swords and bring their steeds to a halt. Their leader dismounts and approaches you with trepidation, his gleaming steel blade held ready in case of trickery. With nervous eyes he studies your travel-stained tunic while his men scour the surrounding hills.

‘What’s your regiment, soldier?’ he demands gruffly. You return his strong stare and notice that he and his men are wearing red and grey surcoats embroidered with the emblem of an open hand. The only horsemen who wear this livery are the cavalry of Talestria.

If you wish to tell the officer that you are an Eruan Pathfinder, turn to 82.

If you decide to tell him that you are a Sommlending Kai Lord, turn to 339.

If you choose not to answer him at all, turn to 151.

Project AonThe Dungeons of Torgar