The last of your attackers screams and falls backwards into the fire, smothering the flames and plunging the cavern into darkness. Seconds later the curtain that covers the entrance is whipped aside and in stride two partisan guards, their spears poised ready to thrust. They are blinded by the unexpected darkness and you have no difficulty slipping past them and escaping along the passage.
At the exit from the cave you notice a patrol of partisan horsemen arriving at the camp. They dismount, tether their horses to some bushes, and walk wearily towards the main campfire. Seeing an opportunity to escape, you rush towards the bushes and snatch the reins of the nearest mount. Suddenly a cry echoes from the cave: the guards are raising the alarm. You climb into the saddle but your escape is blocked by a partisan horseman who is riding up the narrow track that leads into the camp.
Partisan Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 24
If you win the combat, turn to 239.