The Dungeons of Torgar


Using your innate Kai skill of healing, you tend to the Prince’s wounded leg and he soon stirs to consciousness. The Palace Guard have captured the hill and their banner flutters overhead proudly proclaiming their victory and inspiring the Lencians who are fighting at the bridge.


The Prince orders that a signal be sent to his reserves, instructing them to advance without delay, for the enemy are rallying to counterattack. Tensely you watch as a mass of leather-clad Hammerlanders, supported by a regiment of grim-faced Brigandi, advance up the hill. The Palace Guard link their shields and prepare to welcome the enemy with sharpened steel. Onward they come, their banners held high, their war-horns filling the air with a noisy clangour. They surge forward and with a yell the front rank slams into the shield-wall. Sword blades fly, striking sparks and drawing blood. Axes and maces fall with crushing blows. A knight falls dead at your side and his slayer hurls himself through the gap. He scrambles to his feet and attacks you with his reddened blade.

Hammerlander: COMBAT SKILL 24   ENDURANCE 31

Owing to his state of battle-frenzy the Hammerlander is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

If you win the combat, turn to 87.

Project AonThe Dungeons of Torgar