The Dungeons of Torgar


‘Over here!’ calls Jarel, pulling open the rot-infested door of a hut at the water’s edge. Inside you see an overturned rowboat with a pair of battered oars shipped underneath. He turns the small craft over and raises it by the stern.

‘Give a hand,’ he says, straining to push it forward. You place the oars inside, lift the bow, and help him launch it gently into the river. ‘This brings back some memories,’ says Jarel, wistfully. ‘Though I never thought I’d ever be sharing this little booty-runner with a Pathfinder!’


You toss your pack into the boat and take your place opposite the partisan leader as he fixes the oars into position. Then, with a smooth stroke, he propels the boat out into the current and you begin your voyage towards the sinister channels of the Hellswamp.

Turn to 240.

Project AonThe Dungeons of Torgar