Swiftly you inform the captains of the reserve regiments of the danger facing their Prince. At first they are reluctant to take orders from a Pathfinder, whose rank is inferior to theirs, but the logic of your argument and your forceful character persuades them to comply with your commands.
Trumpets announce the advance and you set off across the body-strewn battlefield with a force 900 strong. Pikemen lead the column with archers close behind, and bringing up the rear are a levy of militia, many of whom lived in Cetza before the Drakkarim invaded. Their morale is high for this is their chance to recover their homes and their land.
Tensely you watch as the enemy attack. The Palace Guard link shields but, as the Hammerlanders slam into their line, they buckle and waver beneath the crushing onslaught. As your force crosses the ditch, you pray that the Prince and his men have strength enough to hold for just a few minutes more.