Once you have managed to grab hold of his arms you heave him out from beneath his dead mount and prise open the visor of his helmet. He coughs and retches the mud from his mouth and lies back against the bank of the ditch.
‘I owe you my life, Pathfinder,’ he gasps. ‘Another minute and I’d have been done for.’ You turn to leave but he grabs you by the wrist and presses a Medal into your hand. ‘I won this at the Battle of Luomi,’ he says with pride. ‘I want you to have it, with my eternal thanks.’ (If you wish to keep the Medal, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you carry in your pocket.)
Another cloud of arrows falls from the sky and you dive to the bottom of the ditch to avoid being hit. When you feel it is safe to raise your head, you discover that the knight is no longer with you: he is chasing after the Prince and his fellow knights as they gallop up the hill towards the Drakkarim pikemen.
If you wish to follow him on foot, turn to 115.
If you decide to look for a horse, turn to 247.