Lorkon escorts you to the door of his cabin and wishes you luck. You thank him and bid him farewell. As you turn to leave, he calls out, ‘Remember, I will be marching to Tolakos as soon as my reinforcements arrive.’
You follow Odel, leaving the encampment by slipping over the perimeter wall. Soon you merge like shadows into the thick forest beyond. The giant trunks support a canopy of dense foliage that blocks out the light and keeps the forest floor bathed in a perpetual twilight. A carpet of moss muffles your footfalls and the only foliage that grows in abundance is a bushy velvet lichen patterned with orange-headed, tooth-sized growths. ‘Khetu Spores,’ says Odel, noticing your interest in the strange flora. ‘They’re deadly poisonous.’
If you wish to collect a handful of the poisonous Khetu Spores, mark them on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.