A walled city of low, pyramid-shaped dwellings lies spread along the centre of a narrow, wooded valley. Near the middle, rising high above the other buildings, stands a citadel, its colour identical to the drab grey of the sky. Admiringly you observe the intricate carvings which adorn its surface, but your enthusiasm is soon dampened when you see that the streets are teeming with the creatures you encountered at the monolith. You turn to leave but a strange compulsion draws your eyes back to the citadel: it is your Kai Sixth Sense and it is telling you that Serocca, the one who can aid you in your search for the Lorestones, resides here in this tower of stone.
The path leads down to an open gate in the city wall where two of its ape-like inhabitants stand guard.
If you wish to approach the city gate, turn to 215.
If you wish to search for an unguarded entrance to the city, turn to 294.