The Prisoners of Time


With dread anticipation you stagger to your feet to survey your new surroundings. A bleak and desolate plateau, seemingly devoid of life, stretches into the distance on all sides. Jagged boulders litter a desert of crimson sand, which is stirred to restless motion by fierce and scorching winds. Neither sun nor moon hang in the amber skies above, yet their absence does not leave this world in darkness, for all along the horizon blazes a fire which glows brighter than a thousand sunsets. You stare across this alien landscape and a feeling of helplessness grips your senses as you realize where you have emerged. This is the twilight world of the Daziarn Plane.

A knot of fear tightens in your stomach as you recall what little you have heard about this world. The magicians of Sommerlund believe it to be an astral corridor that connects Magnamund with other planes of existence. So, by passing through a Shadow Gate, one of which is situated below the Guildhall in Toran, a person can gain entry to the Daziarn. However, those who have passed through the Shadow Gate in Toran have never been seen again and the magicians believe that the journey can be made in only one direction. They say there is no escape from the Daziarn.

Your vow to restore the Kai and your stubborn will to survive against all odds refuse to let you believe that there is no way back to your home world. You cast aside your fear and steel yourself for the task of finding a means of escaping from this desolate place. But firstly you must recover the two Lorestones that fell into the Shadow Gate shortly before you.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination and have reached the Kai rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 145.

If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 297.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time