The Plain of Guakor stretches to the cloudy horizon like a vast sea of dust, broken only occasionally by a boulder or clump of wire-hard scrub. It is a drear panorama: a land once rich and fertile murdered by the curse of chaos. It instils in you a feeling of dread uncertainty at first, but as you trudge each weary mile, it slowly strengthens your determination to fulfil your quest. For the fate that has befallen Guakor will befall Sommerlund if you fail to find the last Lorestone and return to defeat Darklord Gnaag.
Shortly after your second stop for rest you hear a sound far to your right. A tiny speck in the grey sky grows steadily larger until, at last, you are able to discern its shape. A cold chill runs down your spine when you recognize its dragon-like features: it is a Zhengha, the scourge of Guakor.
If you wish to try to hide from the beast, turn to 157.
If you choose to stand your ground and await its arrival, turn to 281.