Seated before you at a desk lit by tall candles, one set at each corner, are two pale-skinned Meledorian nobles. The flickering yellow flame glints on the fine antique workmanship of their armour and exaggerates the shadows that play on their faces as they argue their strategies for an impending battle.
On seeing you enter, the conference is brought to an abrupt close. One of the officers bows and takes his leave; the other beckons a scout to approach the desk and make his report. Briefly the scout tells of how they met you and what has become of your Ookor escort. He shows the officer the Obsidian Seal given to you by Serocca before leaving the city of Thas. The officer clasps the pyramidal stone in the palm of his hand then stares directly into your eyes. A tingle of surprise prickles your skin when you return his gaze, for you notice that his eyes are misty blue, without whites or any obvious pupil.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 159.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 293.