‘Where is this key which allows entry to the Shadow Gate of Haagadar?’ you ask, anxiously.
Serocca raises her eyes from the table and smiles. ‘Power is the key, and the power is now within your grasp. The two Lorestones of Nyxator are the power—they are the key to your escape from the Daziarn. You must retrieve them from Tolakos, in the Nahgoth Forest, and then go to Haagadar. The Shadow Gate is to be found in the Temple of the Sandai at the centre of the city. I can help you reach Tolakos but beyond the Nahgoth my powers of vision grow dim. You must let your skills and this map be your guide there.’
From the pocket of her silken robes she produces a Map which she presses into your hand (mark this on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry inside your tunic). You unfurl the parchment and study its contents (see the accompanying illustration), noting with dismay the great distance which separates the Nahgoth Forest from the city of Haagadar.