Peering over the parapet, you try to locate the Lorestone, but it is impossible to see through the eerie blue carpet of grave mist. You are about to leave the roof when you hear a thrumming noise, like the sound of wild and discordant drumming. You peer in the direction of the noise and see a line of hulking shapes shambling towards the gaps in the perimeter wall. Instantly you recognize them—they are Agtah, the hideous creations of the Chaos-master.
Spurred on by anger and fear, you race through the inner sanctum of the Sepulchre and skid to a halt outside its great door. There, shrouded in mist, you discover the body of your guide, his chest torn open and blackened by a bolt of power that claimed his life. You kneel to close his sightless eyes and immediately sense that the Lorestone is close at hand. Guided by instinct you race towards the Lorestone but, as you are running past the entrance to a crypt, you are set upon by a pair of snarling Chaos-creatures.