After your encounter you stop to rest less frequently. Mile after mile you plod on mechanically, only half aware of the lifeless landscape through which you move. Fatigue dulls your senses and you cannot recall the exact moment you entered the Neverness; like a dream, it is as if you have always been here. Clouds swirl beneath your feet yet they support your weight. You float in a sea and sky of grey light without horizon or boundary, a limitless eternity of space. There are distant sounds, like muffled voices, but when you strive to understand them they fade and you cannot catch the words.
Time passes, yet time is meaningless, for you cannot tell the order in which events are taking place. From out of the swirling wisps of cloud three globes of darkness arise. They swim closer, hovering to and fro, evolving into the forms of black-hooded riders on demon steeds. Leering skulls peer from the shadow of their cloaks and you see your own eyes reflected in their bony sockets.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 190.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 81.