The Masters of Darkness


‘What have we here?’ muses the captain warily, as he accepts your envelope. ‘Guildmaster Banedon instructed me to deliver this into your charge as soon as we cleared the blockade,’ you reply. ‘It contains confidential details about our voyage to Durenor.’

‘I’m sure the matter can wait ’til morning,’ he says slipping the envelope into the pocket of his gold-braided jacket. ‘You’d best get some sleep. We could be in for some rough weather come sunrise.’ You insist that he read the contents of the letter without delay but he dismisses your request with a flick of his calloused hand. ‘It can wait. A few hours’ll make no odds,’ he snaps, and he descends the stairs before you can argue otherwise.

If you wish to accompany the first mate to your cabin, turn to 24.

If you decide to stay on the forecastle with the lookouts, turn to 115.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness