Shock, as a result of his severe leg injuries, has reduced the captain’s blood pressure to a dangerously low level. Your mastery of the Discipline of Curing enables you to increase his blood pressure gently to ensure that his brain is not starved of its vital supply of oxygen. Once he is stable, the first mate, whose name is Davan, helps you splint the captain’s legs and construct a makeshift stretcher on which to carry him to his cabin. Slowly he regains consciousness, and, although he is in great pain, he insists on speaking.
‘Davan,’ he says, through gritted teeth, ‘the ship’s under your command now. You must do all you can to see that our passenger reaches his destination.’ Dutifully, the first mate promises to obey the captain’s order. ‘Open the chest,’ the captain says, motioning with his eyes to a large casket, resting at the foot of his bunk. You oblige and discover that it contains a vest made of finely crafted bronin chainmail, and a pair of engraved silver bracers designed to protect the forearms during combat. ‘Take them, friend,’ he says, ‘they may be of some help to you on your journey.’
The Bronin Vest adds 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL and 1 to your ENDURANCE. It may be worn with a Padded Leather Waistcoat, but not with a Chainmail Waistcoat. The Silver Bracers add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL and 1 to your ENDURANCE. If you wish to keep either the Bronin Vest or the Silver Bracers (or both), mark them on your Action Chart as Special Items, which you wear accordingly.