The Masters of Darkness


The Zlanbeast glides through the rising steam and lands smoothly beside the foundry’s rusty wall. The air, or what passes for air in this doom-laden city, reeks of iron and soot, and, as you jump from the saddle, you discover that the ground is covered with a layer of soot several inches deep.

On a ramp that services the foundry, a line of stunted, lizard-like bipeds are hauling heavy carts full of ore. They are watched by Giaks who encourage them with kicks and curses whenever they falter. A Giak officer and two of his troops leave the ramp as soon as they see you land and come scurrying towards you. The officer is shouting at the top of his voice. You sense that he suspects you have stolen the Zlanbeast and is demanding that you explain, on pain of death!

If you have any Kika (Gold Crowns or Lune may not be used in lieu of Kika in this instance) and wish to offer them to the Giak as a bribe for safe escort to the Slavemaster, turn to 43.

If you wish to ignore his threats and demand that he take you to the Slavemaster, turn to 27.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness