‘Three months ago, on the day that you Sommlending celebrate your Feast of Fehmarn, I foresaw in a dream your return to this world, the place and the hour of your coming,’ says Rimoah, reverently. ‘I, and all my brothers, held this dream to be a sign from the God Kai that you had not died at Torgar, and since that day we have prepared for your return so that we may help you fulfil your vow and deliver us all from the tyranny of the Darklords. With the aid of Guildmaster Banedon we have conceived a plan that can secure a lasting victory. Defeat of the Darklords on the field of battle is now impossible; the allied armies are greatly outnumbered and are hard-pressed to protect what little remains of the Freelands. The only way in which we can rid ourselves of this evil is by destroying Gnaag and the Transfusor—the device that transmits power to the Tanoz-tukor. Both of them are in Helgedad.’
To hear the name of that foul city spoken aloud is enough to send a shiver down your spine, and the thought of daring to venture there to destroy its ruler fills you with cold dread. ‘It is a daunting task that we ask you to attempt, Lone Wolf,’ says Banedon, sensing your anxiety, ‘but only you have any hope of succeeding in this desperate mission. It may be of some comfort to learn that, with the Darklords leading their armies in the field, the defences of the Black City are now at their weakest. Only Gnaag and his second-in-command, Darklord Taktaal, reside there at present.’
‘You spoke of a plan?’ you say, returning your gaze to the wise face of Lord Rimoah. Without replying, he bends down and pulls out a leather sack from beneath the chair on which he sat when you entered the chamber. It contains what appears to be a mass of triangular crystals that are fused together. At once you recognize its purpose. It is a powerful charge, similar to the one which Lord Adamas used to destroy the Torgar Gate.
‘This will put paid to the Transfusor,’ says Rimoah, holding up the crystal explosive. He points to a shard that is longer than the others and informs you that the device is activated by withdrawing and re-inserting it tip-first into the core. ‘It must be placed beneath the Transfusor and it will detonate exactly fifteen minutes after it is primed.’ Carefully he replaces the explosive into the sack and offers it to you.
‘But how am I to gain entry to Helgedad?’ you ask, as you accept the deadly package tentatively.
‘We have made preparations,’ answers Banedon, pointing once more to the map. ‘A caravel is anchored in Toran harbour. Under cover of darkness it will run the blockade, and then head east to deceive the enemy into thinking that it is bound for Durenor. When safe to do so it will turn about and steer a course for Dejkaata. The shallows there are free of pack-ice at this time of the year and the captain should be able to land you on the coast close to the Aarnak Estuary. From there you must make your way on foot to the stronghold of Aarnak and seek out the Slavemaster. He is one of our agents and can be trusted. Make yourself known to him by saying the words, “Sommerlund is burning”. He alone knows where in Helgedad the Transfusor is located, and he can arrange for your safe and secret passage into the city. Once inside, you must destroy Gnaag and the Transfusor as quickly as possible.’
‘And once the task is complete, how then do I effect an escape?’ you ask.
‘You must make your way back to Aarnak. The demise of the Darklords will announce the success of your mission and we shall then mount an expedition to bring you safely home. But until then, no one must know your true identity, or the reason for your journey to Helgedad.’
Silently you contemplate the awesomeness of this mission, its dangers, and the terrible consequences that will befall Magnamund should you fail. At length you raise your eyes from the map and force a smile. ‘When must I leave?’ you ask, bravely.
‘Tomorrow night,’ Banedon replies. ‘An hour after sunset.’
Mark the Crystal Explosive on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you carry strapped to your Backpack. If you already carry the maximum number of Special Items, you must discard one in favour of the Crystal Explosive.
If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 282.
If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 229.