The missile is directly above the Intrepid when it explodes with a deafening roar. The blast slams you to the deck and, as you struggle to your feet, white-hot fragments of metal rain down upon you. Pick a number from the Random Number Table (in this instance 0 equals 10). The number you have picked represents the number of ENDURANCE points you have lost due to shrapnel wounds.
Amid the noise and chaos, you hear Captain Borse’s strident voice, issuing commands to his shell-shocked crew. Despite the fearful blast, there are miraculously few casualties and the ship is soon brought under control. The topsails, ignited by the flash, are quickly cut away and jettisoned as the enemy vessels begin to close in for the kill. They turn to bring their weapons to bear, but the heavy, iron ships are slow and cumbersome, and, by the time they have changed formation, the Intrepid is out of range and sailing at speed into the dark waters of the Kaltersee.