The Masters of Darkness


Your senses tell you that the most vulnerable parts of the Xargath’s head are its ears: the wall of the creature’s skull is thinnest near the ear canals. Penetrate its ear with an arrow, and it could pass straight through the skull and enter its brain.

The Xargath roars and a gale of putrid breath tears at your face and clothing, forcing you away from the longboat. As you fight to stay on your feet, the beast bears down, tilting its head from side to side, revealing just a glimpse of your chosen target. Guided by instinct alone you raise your Bow and fire.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it any bow-skill bonuses to which you are entitled.

If your total is now 0–8, turn to 313.

If it is 9 or more, turn to 105.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness