The Masters of Darkness


Half-blinded by dust and darkness, you drag yourself out from beneath a tangled mass of bodies and broken timbers, and stagger drunkenly towards an opening in the wall of the ship’s hold. Beyond it a narrow corridor leads to a stair, where one of the crew lies dead, sprawled face-upwards, his hands locked around the blade of the Drakkarim dagger that claimed his life. Still dazed by the fall, your senses fail to alert you to an enemy who is lurking in the shadows. You are about to set foot on the stairs when he attacks, seizing you from behind and holding you in a powerful neck lock.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility and have reached the Kai rank of Scion-kai or higher, turn to 32.

If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 198.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness