The Masters of Darkness


‘Gaz dik!’ roars the guard, and reaches for his wide-bladed battle sword. Using his psychic probe—the crystal box-like device that he removed from his pouch—he has detected that it is your intention to destroy the Transfusor and kill Darklord Gnaag. Instantly, the guards spring into action, forcing you to retreat along the corridor as you fumble to unsheathe a weapon.

Imperial Sector Guards: COMBAT SKILL 30   ENDURANCE 38

These guards are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to unsheathe it, turn to 208.

If you win and the combat lasts five rounds or less, turn to 95.

If you win and the combat last longer than five rounds, turn to 199.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness