Having satisfied yourself that you have overlooked no items of use, you decide to make your way to the heart of Aarnak. Your trek takes you into a maze of garbage-choked streets lined with rusting tenements and squalid huts. Hordes of slaves move to and fro, their backs bent by years of heavy labour. As you turn a corner you are confronted by a procession of these sad creatures, led by a squad of Giaks.
The leader, a squat Giak sergeant wearing a doomwolf pelt, commands you to halt. Drakkarim are rare visitors to Aarnak, the human constitution being ill-suited to the hostile atmosphere, so the sight of you walking unescorted through the city streets, clad in Drakkarim armour, stirs his deepest suspicions. You continue walking, and immediately he raises his clawed hand—it is a signal to his squad to advance and surround you. You turn to run, but when you see that all the Giak soldiers are armed with bows, discretion prompts you to try a different tactic. Boldly you demand that the sergeant take you to the Slavemaster and, to your relief, he agrees.
The sergeant, and a handful of his troops, take you towards the centre of the city, to a solitary tower standing in the middle of an open square. It is a curious building, tall and unbent, its surface free from any sign of decay. The sergeant speaks with another who guards its open entrance and immediately he stands aside, allowing you to enter the tower’s gloomy ground floor.