A great cloud of dust and debris billows from the gaping hole, and as it slowly begins to clear, you see that most of the enemy warriors have been swallowed up by the collapsing deck. Beyond the hole you glimpse Davan, with a handful of the crew, defending the stern deck against an attacking swarm of Drakkarim, who outnumber them by at least two to one. Then you realize the enemy plan: if they can capture the helm they will be able to steer the Intrepid towards the coast and beach her in the shallows.
Quickly you climb into the rigging and swing across to the stern deck by means of a trailing rope. Davan sees you and gives a cheer as you jump from the rope and land among the enemy. You unsheathe your weapon and begin cleaving a path towards your beleaguered allies, who shout encouragement as you draw nearer. ‘For Sommerlund!’ you cry, and they take up your battle call. Then Davan’s voice rings above the noise of battle: It is a cry of warning—‘Archer above you!’
You glance upwards and a cold spike of fear stabs your heart. Staring down at you is the gloating face of a Drakkar. He holds a bow in his hands, and prepares to fire an arrow at your head. He mouths a curse, and then lets fly his deadly shaft.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit, add 3 to the number.
If your total is now 0–3, turn to 122
If it is 4–7, turn to 53.
If it is 8 or more, turn to 321.