The Plague Lords of Ruel


You descend a few rungs, just far enough to put you beyond reach of the spear blades, and then you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation. Moments later you feel gravity losing its grip and gently you push yourself away from the ladder to hover in mid-air.

The Acolytes gasp in shocked surprise as you rise up to confront them eye to eye. The nearest allows his spear to waver and instantly you lash out at his vulnerable chest. The impact of your blow knocks him from the platform to fall, screaming, into the midst of the glass boxes on an experiment table far below.

Gracefully you step onto the platform and crouch in readiness to fight the remaining Acolyte. He meets your stare with a sneer that readily conveys his hatred of your race. Then, spurred on by the yells of his confederates in the hall below, he jumps forward and thrusts his weapon at your throat.

Acolyte of Vashna (With Medallion of Protection): COMBAT SKILL 25   ENDURANCE 40

If you win this combat, turn to 29.

Project AonThe Plague Lords of Ruel