Carefully you form your lips into an ‘O’ shape in readiness to utter the battle-spell Power Word you have been taught by Lord Rimoah. Then, the instant the spell-thoughts focus in your mind, you project the power-word Gloar! at the middle of the fleeing druid’s back. Like a sledgehammer, the sound hits him between the shoulder blades and sends him tumbling head over heels into a tangle of forest briars.
Stunned and groaning, the Cener fumbles for his slender golden rod and, as if guided by more than chance, his spindly fingers locate it at once. Yet, before he can use it to retaliate, you sprint across the clearing, weapon in hand, and attack him where he lies:
Cener Druid (prone): COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 28
If you win this combat, turn to 60.