The Plague Lords of Ruel


Reluctantly, as your Grand Mastery overcomes the magical shield placed upon this creature’s mind to protect it from alien influence, the Vazhag stands aside and allows you to pass into the keep of Mogaruith.

The great flagstoned square echoes with the rhythmic thump of marching troops and the squealed commands of their Vazhag sergeants. By means of a covered walkway you skirt around this busy plaza and make your way stealthily towards a staircase which descends to a grand portal set into the base of the stronghold’s citadel.

You have reached the north side of the keep when you are unexpectedly confronted by three Cener Druids, who turn a corner and come walking towards you in a line abreast. To avoid them you are forced to sidestep into a shadowy doorway.

Turn to 98.

Project AonThe Plague Lords of Ruel