Using all your stealth and natural Kai agility, you inch your way up the rocky wall of the cavern towards the window-like gap. Your ascent goes undetected by the Vazhag guards until, by mischance, your foot dislodges a pebble and sends it tumbling down to land, with a hollow thok, upon the head of a snoozing war-dog. The dog erupts with a savage howl and hurls itself bodily at the rock wall.
Its frenzied reaction alerts the Vazhag guards and, to your horror, you see them produce bows which they load hastily and aim at your back. Throwing caution aside, you climb towards the distant gap as quickly as your aching fingers will allow, hoping to reach it before the rat-men can open fire.
If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 326.
If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 145.