Beyond the narrow opening you discover a dusty passage sandwiched between two walls of rough, unyielding stone. Worm casts and a myriad animal tracks mark the surface of the dirt floor, revealing at once to your expert eye that no creature larger than a domestic cat has trodden the floor of this passage in the past three months. Confidently you explore and, unhindered by the darkness, you experience no difficulty in following its sinuous course towards the heart of the Skardos Mountains.
You have been walking for two miles before you reach a junction where a wider tunnel leads away, both to the east and the west. Unlike the passage, this tunnel has been excavated from the rock and its walls still bear the scars of shovels and picks. Your Magnakai sense of Divination reveals no imminent dangers and your Pathsmanship can detect no unusual tracks.
If you possess Grand Huntmastery, turn to 49.
If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, you can investigate the east tunnel by turning to 118.
Or you can investigate the west tunnel by turning to 189.