The Plague Lords of Ruel


One of the basic skills that Guildmaster Banedon taught you was how to mix together seemingly harmless materials in order to create explosive energy. With that lesson in mind you search your Backpack and pockets and, eventually, you manage to pull together small quantities of sulphur, charcoal, and loamsalt.

Carefully you mix them together before packing them in a strip of cloth and wedging it tightly into the keyhole. You leave a few strands of the cloth trailing from the hole and, with the help of a wall torch, you set them alight.

Hurriedly you move away from the door. You have taken only a few paces when suddenly there is a sharp bang and a jet of orange flame shoots from the keyhole.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have chosen is 0–3, turn to 274.

If it is 4–9, turn to 252.

Project AonThe Plague Lords of Ruel