The Plague Lords of Ruel


Using your Magnakai skill of Psi-surge, you focus your power at a Vazhag guard who is standing on top of the wagon, and release a stunning burst of psychic energy aimed at its brain. Immediately, the creature grasps its head between its paws and lets out an ear-splitting squeal of pain as your attack sears its nervous system. The sudden cry freezes the surrounding rat-men and, when the victim of your attack tumbles from the rear of the wagon, they surge forward, eager to find out what is wrong. In the ensuing confusion, you leave your hiding place and attempt to escape unseen through the portal.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Kai-screen, add 2 to the number you have chosen.

If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 223.

If it is 5 or more, turn to 331.

Project AonThe Plague Lords of Ruel