As you sprint towards the beckoning safety of the cooler tunnel section, you trip and stumble headlong to the floor. Your hands and knees are burnt by rough contact with the red-hot metal, leaving them badly blistered: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
When finally you reach the cooler section, you happen upon a steep staircase, set into the right-hand wall, which ascends to a hall on the level above. This vault-like room contains a wealth of grim exhibits, hung upon the walls and displayed in glass-fronted cases. The skulls of rare creatures are displayed beside tanned hides and jewel-encrusted bones. One item in particular catches your eye: it is a statuette, fashioned in the likeness of Darklord Zagarna.
If you wish to keep this Statuette of Zagarna, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. If you already carry your maximum quota, you must discard one item in its favour.
To continue, turn to 209.