The Captives of Kaag


The torchlit stairs spiral down to a busy hall where several stairways and tunnels converge. You stay hidden in the shadows while you observe the creatures, mainly Giaks and Drakkarim, that are using this hall to move from one passage to another. All, without exception, are clad in uniforms which have been dyed a muddy shade of orange.

After a short while, the hall clears and you hurry across towards a tunnel directly opposite. It is the only exit from the hall to have been ignored by the flow of traffic, and you choose it in the hope that it will be empty of guards. An archway off the tunnel reveals a chamber where the floor appears to be carpeted with a fine grey-green dust. Your senses tingle with a premonition of danger as you stare at the phosphorescent lichen clinging to the rough-hewn walls. The glow from the lichen illuminates several stout pilasters which support the vaulted ceiling and an arched exit on the far side. The surface of the dusty floor is perfectly flat, undisturbed by tracks of any kind.

If you wish to cross the dusty floor and enter the archway opposite, turn to 301.

If you choose to ignore this hall and continue along the tunnel, turn to 82.

Project AonThe Captives of Kaag