The Captives of Kaag


You race to the edge of the steps and jump for the Drakkarim guard. You land on his back heavily, your feet together, slamming him flat on his face with the full weight of your body and rendering him completely unconscious. You are winded by the impact but you quickly recover and drag his limp body out of sight, fearful that it will be seen by a passing patrol. Already a huge bruise is beginning to discolour his face and you are sure that it will be many hours before he regains consciousness. As you are moving him you notice that he wears two chains around his neck. To one there is attached a Whistle; to the other a Brass Key. (If you decide to keep either of these Backpack Items, mark your Action Chart accordingly.)

Once you are satisfied that he is well hidden, you climb the stairs and carefully push open the heavy door. At the end of a short corridor there is a landing where a gallery overlooks the cavernous lower level.

Nearby there is a staircase, leading down, and to your right you see a black oak door set flush to the wall.

Slowly you approach the gallery’s railed parapet and peer down at an unnerving sight.

Turn to 47.

Project AonThe Captives of Kaag