The Captives of Kaag


As the Doomwolf howls its death-cry and crashes to the floor, you hear the sound of booted feet running along the passageway outside. The noise of combat and the Doomwolf’s last howl have drawn a squad of Drakkarim to this cell.

Quickly you cross to the room’s solitary window. It is criss-crossed with iron bars, but on closer examination you discover that they are loose and badly corroded. A swift blow with the heels of your hands is enough to dislodge them, allowing you to escape with ease.

Outside the window there is a covered courtyard. You crouch in the shadows while you wait for a group of Drakkarim stablehands to disappear; then you cross to the far side, climb a low wall, and make your escape into the ruins beyond.

For over a mile you wend your way through derelict buildings before you happen upon an avenue which is surprisingly clear of debris and obstructions. You are conscious that perhaps it is too clear, offering you no cover at all from the tall buildings that line this route to the centre of Kaag. You decide to trust to the ruins rather than run the risk of being detected out in the open. However, within a matter of minutes you are confronted by a new hazard. The ground in this section of the city is unsafe. It is riddled with pot-holes and concealed cellars, covered by rotten wooden beams and slabs of paper-thin plaster. Suddenly one such section gives way beneath your feet and you find yourself falling headlong into coal-black darkness.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 0–5, turn to 32.

If it is 6 or more, turn to 51.

Project AonThe Captives of Kaag