After several abortive attempts to open the lock, you decide to abandon the door and leave the chamber by means of the narrow staircase. An unwholesome smell fills this dark spiralling stairwell and, as you descend, you are forced to cling to the wall to prevent yourself slipping on the uneven, slime-smeared steps.
After several minutes your painfully slow progress is halted by a huge mound of rubble. At first your heart sinks with the fear that you have reached a dead end; then you glimpse a pinpoint of light filtering through the debris and at once your senses reveal that a chamber lies a few yards beyond. However, in order to gain access to this chamber you must first clear away some of the debris which blocks the stairs.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now subtract 1 from the number you have picked. The resultant score equals the number of ENDURANCE points lost due to fatigue. (If you picked 0 or 1, your score is zero.)
To continue, turn to 100.