The Darke Crusade


You look down at your feet, and using your infravision, you see the outline of a huge, slug-like amphibian poised no more than a fathom below. Wrapped tightly around your legs are two rope-like tentacles which extend from a sac beneath the creature’s solitary eye. You try to kick free but it will not easily let you go. Slowly it is drawing you deeper into the lake.

Desperate to get free, you summon to mind the Elder Magi Battle-spell of Concussion. Then you project your right hand at the creature and a deep boom resonates in your head, its effect greatly amplified by the water. At once the creature releases you and dives for the shelter of its lair, trailing blood from those parts of its body which pass for its ears.

Once free, you take hold of Prarg’s tunic and pull him towards the jagged hole in the ice.

Turn to 313.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade