The Darke Crusade


Abandoning the shelter of the bridge, you work your way slowly along the ice-filled ditch to a point directly in front of the south trench. Here you settle to observe the Drakkarim guards who are dutifully keeping watch over this sector. All you can see of them is their brutal faces peering over the rim of their dugout, but, after a while, one by one these faces disappear. Your keen hearing detects the sound of laughter, some clicks, and a few Giak curses, and judging by what you have heard you hazard a guess that the guards are busy gambling with dice.

You decide that now would be the best time to make your move, while the guards are distracted from their duty. Prarg insists that he lead the way; he has crossed here once before and he knows a safe way through. The ground in front of the trench-line looks clear but there are concealed pits out there just waiting to snare the careless or unwary. You nod your agreement and follow in his wake as he crawls a zigzagging route towards the distant trench.

Two minutes later you reach the mound of frost-hardened earth abutting the dugout. Silently you motion to Prarg to get ready to attack, but before he can draw his sword, one of the enemy guards pops his head up to take a cursory glance over the parapet. He is less than an arm’s length from you, and his eyes and mouth spring open with sheer terror when he finds himself staring into the face of a Kai Grand Master!

Instinctively you lash out with the edge of your hand, aiming for his right temple, hoping to render him unconscious before he can warn his confederates. But the shock of seeing you makes him reel backwards, and your blow misses by a hair’s breadth.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have chosen is 0–2, turn to 206.

If it is 3–6, turn to 337.

If it is 7–9, turn to 164.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade