The Darke Crusade


Quickly you return to the boat and attempt to awaken your companion. But he does not respond at once, and you are forced to shake him vigorously by the shoulders until finally he stirs to consciousness.

‘Wha … what’s wrong?’ he mumbles, as he struggles to free himself from your firm grip.

‘Wake up, captain,’ you retort, ‘there’s trouble coming our way.’

The word ‘trouble’ galvanizes Prarg into action. He throws off his blankets, unsheathes his sword, and follows as you lead the way up the river bank. When you reach the crest, you see a dozen or more of the leathery black war-dogs come slinking out of the trees. Your senses are drawn to one of the red-eyed creatures, which instinctively you recognize as the leader of this pack, and suddenly you recall from past experience that Akataz are susceptible to psychic attacks. Using your Magnakai abilities, you focus on this leading hound and prepare to launch a burst of psychic energy directly at its mind.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-surge, add 4 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 6 or less, turn to 242.

If it is 7 or more, turn to 99.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade