With brave determination you begin the laborious task of clearing away the rock and rubble which fills this stairway. You are fearful that it may take you several days to reach the next level and so it comes as a welcome surprise when, after just a few minutes’ work, you see a gap appearing at the top of the mound. A gust of cold, wintry air wafts through this breach, rekindling your hopes of reaching the surface. Revived by the cold clean air, you attack the rubble with renewed vigour. But then your hopes are shaken when you hear a sinister sound; behind you, a Tunnel Stalker is climbing the stairs to the landing.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, turn to 256.
If you do not possess this Discipline or have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 6.