The Darke Crusade


West of Odnenga, the river meanders very little as it crosses the snow-swept plain of Southern Nyras. It is a deserted landscape, yet Captain Schera cautions his men to remain watchful, doubly so whenever the boats pass an occasional copse of fir or stunted pine. Late in the afternoon, as the light is beginning to fade, you come to a forested part of the river where the banks are steeply undercut. Trees are growing at the very edge of the overhanging banks and their roots are clearly visible, hanging down like clusters of vines into the icy waters of the Shug. You are watching the left bank when suddenly your Pathsmanship senses alert you to the threat of ambush. You warn the captain and he signals to the following boats to put ashore at once.

Having sensed the threat, you volunteer to go forward and scout the woods to find out who—or what—is there. Schera agrees, and he calls for three of his men, all trained army scouts, to accompany you. He and the rest of his command will remain here with the boats and wait for you to return.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 81.

If it is 5 or more, turn to 275.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade