Unexpectedly your Arrow pierces the creature’s heart, which is located at its midriff, and brings the beast crashing onto the snow. For a few moments it twitches and shivers fitfully; then it stiffens and lies still with a sudden abruptness. Prarg regains his composure and sheepishly he steps forward to look at the dead creature.
‘The gods are watching over us, Sire,’ he says, quite respectfully. ‘This beast is a Mawtaw. Few can say they have defeated this fearsome king of the Tozaz Forest.’
You decide to press on without delay, just in case there are others of its breed close by. Your instinct and Pathsmanship skills lead you in a northerly direction and you cover more than five miles before the trees begin to thin out. Then you emerge from the forest to be greeted by an unexpected and spectacular sight.