The Darke Crusade


The chilling echo of Magnaarn’s voice is drowned by new sounds: the rattle of chains and the rumble of falling stone. You shout a warning to Prarg and he dives aside only just in time to avoid being crushed by a heavy portcullis. The great stone portal slams down, partitioning the passageway and separating you from the captain. The dust has barely settled when a section of the passage wall slides open behind Prarg, and a trio of Magnaarn’s Tukodak bodyguards leap out and seize him. Your companion is unarmed and he is quickly and brutally overpowered. Anger floods your mind and you vow to get even with these cruel Drakkarim, but they are not impressed by your threat. They are aware of your exceptional skills yet they feel safe behind the portcullis. With a knife held to Prarg’s throat they taunt you and dare you to retaliate.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 170.

If you do not, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 34.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade