The Darke Crusade


You uncover the sack and sift through its contents. Gleaming in the dim light you see a mass of coins, silver plates and candlesticks, jewellery, and all manner of precious and semi-precious stones. There are countless gold teeth, pulled no doubt from the mouths of fallen Lencian knights, and scores of trinkets and other mementoes taken from less noble corpses. One item you sense possesses magical properties. You pull it out and, on closer inspection, you discover it to be a polished Jadin Amulet which is fixed to a gold neck-chain.

If you decide to keep this Jadin Amulet, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you wear around your neck. It adds +1 to your score should you be instructed to pick a number from the Random Number Table when trying to avoid normal missiles (e.g. arrows, bolts, darts, etc.) aimed at you.

Having replaced the sack in its hole, you draw your cloak about you and approach the main gates. The guards are busy admitting the latest batch of prisoners and, helped by your camouflage skills, they do not give you a second glance as you stride confidently into the town.

Once inside, you head towards a dark, deserted alleyway which is sandwiched between a stables and an armoury. From here you observe the compound with a growing anger and pity for those trapped inside. Stirred by their plight, you vow to help these starving men. Patiently you watch and wait for the patrols to pass; then you scurry towards the compound fence to make contact with the Lencians.

Turn to 150.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade