The Darke Crusade


The fight for control of Konozod is swift and bloody. Within the hour the town is under Lencian control, its Drakkarim garrison having been put mercilessly to the sword. However, not all of the enemy perish in the battle. To Captain Schera’s dismay, several manage to escape across the river and flee to the west on horseback. He is anxious that they may return with reinforcements to retake the town.

A food store is discovered and, whilst the starving Lencians satiate their hunger, you talk with Captain Schera about the events of the last few weeks which have led to this meeting. You learn from him that after you were interred in the Temple of Antah, Warlord Magnaarn waged a major offensive against the Lencian army. Having reunited the Doomstone with the Nyras Sceptre, he has, as King Sarnac feared, forced the Nadziranim sorcerers of Kagorst and Akagazad to help him. Their combined skills have wrought great destruction. They attacked and drove through the Lencian lines like demons in an offensive which was swift and deadly. A week ago, Captain Schera and his regiment were cut off and captured in the fighting around Hokidat, after which they were marched here and imprisoned. He considers himself lucky to be alive, for the Drakkarim rarely take prisoners. Then you ask what news he has heard about the war since he came here.

‘There’s much confusion,’ he says, wearily. ‘I’ve heard talk that most of the mercenaries in Sarnac’s pay have deserted us. Some have even joined the enemy. The Drakkarim taunted us, saying that our army had been smashed. They said the remnants had been pushed into the Tentarias, but I dismissed this as lies. One thing is sure, though: Magnaarn intends to raise the siege of Darke. It has become his battle call—“On to Darke!” This cry was on the lips of his troops during the battle at Hokidat. I saw him during this battle. He was leading his army personally, and he was wielding his accursed sceptre, dealing death to all who tried to stand in his way. He possesses a great and terrible power, and I fear that we may now be unable to put an end to his evil ambitions.’

If you wish to ask Schera if he knows anything about Captain Prarg, turn to 97.

If you do not, turn to 236.

Project AonThe Darke Crusade