The Legacy of Vashna


You approach the brigand leader stealthily, without making a sound. As you draw closer, you hear him cursing the incompetence of his men and you see him beating his clenched fist on the trunk of the fallen bough in frustration. Then, without warning, he turns around to retrieve something from a satchel lying on the ground nearby and his keen eyes catch sight of you creeping up on him. In an instant his sword is in his hand. You rush forward and launch your attack but you have lost the element of surprise. As he parries your first blow, he screams for his men to come to his aid.

Vakovarian Brigand Captain: COMBAT SKILL 33   ENDURANCE 32

You may evade this combat after two rounds by turning to 312.

If you win and the fight lasts five rounds or less, turn to 25.

If the fight lasts into the sixth round, do not continue, but turn immediately to 145.

Project AonThe Legacy of Vashna