The Legacy of Vashna


The longboat glides to a halt beside the jetty and attendant acolytes make it secure with ropes and hawsers. An Elder oversees the disembarkation, allowing the wounded off first, followed by the rest in descending order of rank and superiority. You join in the queue with the lowly initiates and follow the line as it files off the jetty and up a torchlit hill track to a hall of stone. It is a grand building which shows signs of having only recently been constructed.

The interior of the hall is a dark and forbidding place, decorated with the ritualistic trappings of the Acolytes of Vashna. Spluttering candles dimly illuminate a central altar and a sickly-smelling incense saturates the air. The acolytes encircle the altar several ranks deep and listen intently as two of their Elders conduct a liturgy in praise of Darklord Vashna, and the victory he has seen fit to grant them. They conclude their sinister ceremony by crying out the words, ‘We celebrate this eve of the “Great Welcoming”. May Lord Vashna, our master, vanquish his enemies and rule unchallenged ever more!’

The acolytes respond spontaneously by repeatedly chanting their master’s name. ‘Vashna! Vashna! Vashna!’ they cry, as they slowly shuffle out of the hall in single file. At the door, each acolyte is handed a burning torch and made to parade past the Elders who give them their unholy blessing. You take care to keep your face concealed within the raised hood of your robe as your turn comes to pass before them.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-alchemy, Kai-screen, or Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked (these bonuses are cumulative).

Also, if you possess a Runic Disc, add 1; if you possess the Sommerswerd but not the Korlinium Scabbard, deduct 3; and for every rank you have attained above that of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1.

If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 322.

If it is 5 or more, turn to 192.

Project AonThe Legacy of Vashna