You cease firing, having decided to conserve your remaining Arrows for later. After a few minutes the brigands suspect that one of their bolts has found its mark and they come creeping forwards.
You retreat into the copse, using your Magnakai skills of Invisibility to keep you hidden from the advancing brigands. They pass you, enabling you to circle around behind them. You have outwitted them but you are still anxious that they may find Bracer. You move to higher ground in order to get a better view of the copse and, from a vantage point among the boulders, you observe their leader and three of his henchmen hiding nearby, crouched behind the bough of a fallen tree.
If you wish to fire an Arrow at the brigand leader, turn to 304.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use the spell of Mind Charm, turn to 212.
If you decide to wait and observe the brigands a little longer, turn to 98.